Too Much? Not for Him!
Last week I was at church camp and had a wonderful discussion with one of my friends. We were talking about whether or not God allows us to have more trouble than we can bear. I told her that I had a hard time believing that God doesn't allow us to have more than we can handle. This is because I can think of no better way for God to get us to understand that we can not do it alone....we need Him. If everything that came our way was never too hard for us or too much for us to deal with, why would we ever ask God for help? Wouldn't we come to the realization that we can do all things through our own abilities?
I told my friend to check out because it was a wonderful website and had a feature on it where you can type in a few key words and do a search on whatever scripture you're looking for. I just did this a few minutes ago and couldn't find the scripture that I thought I was looking for. Instead, I found the scripture that my friend and I had both apparently messed up. It turns out that the words weren't talking about trouble. The words were talking about temptation. Here it is:
1 Corinthians 10:13
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
Nowhere in the bible have I found a scripture that talks about God not allowing us to have too much trouble or too many problems.
My belief, and what I shared with my friend, is that God allows us to be in an impossible situation where we get to the point that we come to Him and say "I can't do it. Will you help me?" Then, God, gets to tell us to stand back and watch me work.
Everytime we can't and God can, our faith is strengthened and we spend alot less time complaining and worrying about bad situations.
Maybe you are having a hard time at work. Maybe your marriage is in trouble. Maybe you're having problems with your kids. Maybe you just feel like giving up altogether. Let me tell you something. This is not about work, marriage, kids or anything else you can come up with on this earth. This trouble is entirely about God calling you to be closer to Him. He's saying..... come to me, all of you who are tired and have troubles and I'll give you the rest you need. He wants to hear you talking to Him every the morning, the afternoon and the evening and for that matter, all the times in between. Maybe you havn't been talking to Him much at all lately. Maybe you're having troubles because He wants you to talk to Him and actually be REAL. Is it possible that you're just been praying a bunch of words just for the sake of saying your prayers before going to bed because that's how you were raised?
God doesn't want to be on your list of things to do. Get rid of that stinkin' list and do it ALL for Him!
Job was the character that came up often in the conversation I had with my friend. Job, as you may know from reading the bible, loses everything he has to lose but still remains faithful to God. God is all he has. God describes who He is and reminds Job of who he is and who he is not. God is God and that has to be enough. Satan is granted permission to test Job by destroying everything Job had except for his life. This was to be spared because.....God said so.
God is in control of even Satan. There is nothing that happens to us here on earth without the God of all knowing about it. I believe trouble comes in order to draw us closer to Him. Let me give you an example.
When your kid is running around playing, they aren't thinking about how much they need you. When they fall down from maybe running a little too fast, they realize exactly how much they need you. They cry and if at all possible, run to you as quickly as possible. You see, they know exactly who to come to for help because they know you've helped them in the past. They trust you and have faith that you will come through for them this time as well. There may be times when you need to run to them because they are simply not able to physically move toward you. They still holler your name amid the tears of pain.
Suppose your child didn't come to you when they were hurt. What if, in fact, they went to someone else altogether? Maybe they don't go to anyone and they just keep the pain locked up inside? How can you help them?
Can you see God as the parent in this example? You are the child. How will you respond when trouble comes and you fall down?
Once again a great job, and somewhat similar topics. Now, it's just gettin' eerie. Haha. I know a lot of people confuse the "temptation" verse you cited with "trouble," but sometimes when we are in trouble, we're tempted to run away from God and toward our own solutions or fears. So, even then, the verse works.
Great job!
Haha...I thought of you this morning after I posted this and wondered if you had written anything recently on your blog. I havn't yet been to see what you've written but I'm not at all surprised to find out from you that we both, once again, wrote about similar things. You're right. This is getting weird.
Also, thanks for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time to say something about it.
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