Remember Me?

I have taken care of children most of my life because they are my passion here on earth. Something that has been very hurtful to me is discovering that the young children I once took care of don't remember me now that they're grown.

They have lost touch with me over the years and have forgotten all of the things I did for them when they were small. I wiped their dirty butts several times a day. I've been puked on, drooled on, peed on, spit on, kicked, scratched, hollered at, and a load of other things. I still love them ALL a great deal. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of them could ever know just how much I love them.....then AND now.

I didn't take care of these kids just so I could have money. I took care of these kids so I could raise children and love them like they should be loved. Making money was secondary to me. Quite frankly, a person doesn't do this kind of least not for long.....unless they love the kids. You take so much from kids that you would never put up with from an adult....or for that matter, any other job.

In my opinion, the most important job in the world is the care of people. This especially applies to the raising of children. If you are looking for a babysitter, be very careful who you choose because they will be the person that raises your child while you are gone. What's important to your babysitter, will be impressed upon your child. You know as well as I do that children imitate what they see and hear. Be careful. Think about the future and what kind of adult your child is going to be by the way they behave now.

The situation with so many kids not remembering me and all I've done for them in the past, reminds me of something spiritual.

How well do we remember what God has done for us?

Aren't we quick to forget? We have no idea how much He loves us because we cannot grasp the fullness of His sacrifice to gain that which was We don't know what it's like to give up our only son for the wreched lost ones. We don't know what it's like to love someone so much that we give up everything we have and lay down our lives to the point of death.....all the while, being made fun of and cussed at and beaten and whipped and, and, and, etc. How could we ever relate to that?

It amazes me how easily we forget things involving our salvation. It makes me wonder if we would forget Hell if we were to get a sneak peek at what it's like. It makes me wonder if we would forget Heaven if we were to get a sneak peek at what it's like. I think the problem with us, is that we don't realize the severity of our sin and exactly what we were saved from.

If we really knew how much sin cost, I don't believe we would forget. Satan likes to keep us so preoccupied with things going on around us that we don't have time to think about what Jesus did to forgive us. If Satan can make us forget that we are forgiven and going to Heaven, he'll be able to convince us of all kinds of lies, like how hopeless we are and not worth God's love or attention, etc.

God is God and we are not. God doesn't forget anything except our sin when we are washed by the blood in baptism and become a new creation. He absolutely cannot forget you! I have never forgotten one of my kids that I took care of. So, how much more will God remember us? He is God! He doesn't have anything better to do than to take care of us. We take up all of His time and that's just the way He's always wanted it. God doesn't waste His time either. The only way anyone can waste time, is to spend time doing something that doesn't matter. Everything God does with His time matters. We are at the top of His to do list and we stay there.

Don't you see? He loves you!

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